Exercise 4R53 Main

Made To Be Endplayed

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, answer each question about the play.

1. S 8 6 4 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A K Q 21 S
D 10 9 2Pass3 SPass4 S
C A 3PassPassPass
Lead: H J 
S A K 7 5 3
H 4 3
D Q 6 5 4
4 S SouthC K 2

Assuming a 3-1 trump break, how many sure tricks can you win? 

What is the critical suit that you hope to force an opponent to lead? 

After winning the opening lead, how many rounds of trumps will you lead? 

Does it matter which opponent has three spades? 

Which side suit will you lead first? 

Which side suit will you lead next? 

Which suit do you expect to lead to put an opponent on lead? 

How would you rate your chances to succeed? 
A. Almost certain
B. Fair
C. Poor


Top Made To Be Endplayed

2. S 7 6 5WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A Q 4 31 CPass2 H
D 10 6 2Pass3 HPass4 NT
C A K JPass5 HPass5 NT
Table Pass6 DPass6 H
Lead: D Q AP
S A Q 8
H K J 10 9 8 7
6 H SouthC 4 3

Assuming a 2-1 trump break, how many sure tricks can you win? 

What is the critical suit that you hope to force an opponent to lead? 

After winning the opening lead, how many rounds of trumps will you lead? 

Do you plan to take the club finesse? 

Do you plan to take the spade finesse? 

Which suit will you ruff before the endplay? 

Which suit do you expect to lead to put an opponent on lead? 

How would you rate your chances to succeed? 
A. Almost certain
B. Fair
C. Poor


Top Made To Be Endplayed

3. S Q J 10 4WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K 8 3 21 S
D A 3Pass3 SPass4 C
C K 6 3Pass4 DPass6 S?
Table PassPassPass
Lead: D K 
S A K 9 8 5
H A 9 6
D J 4
6 S SouthC A J 2

Assuming a 3-1 trump break, how many sure tricks can you win? 

Which suit (if led by an opponent) might give you the contract? 

After winning the opening lead, how many rounds of trumps will you lead? 

Do you plan to take the club finesse? 

Will you cash your top clubs before the endplay? 

How many hearts will you cash before the endplay? 

Which suit do you expect to lead to put an opponent on lead? 

How would you rate your chances to succeed? 
A. Almost certain
B. Fair
C. Poor


Top Made To Be Endplayed

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek