Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
How many sure tricks can you win?
Which suit contains a tenace that is beneficial against either opponent?
Which suit contains a tenace that is beneficial against East only?
Which spade honor will you win at trick one?
Will you draw the enemy trumps right away?
Which side suit will you lead first?
What is your basic plan?
Assuming a 2-2 trump break, how many tricks can you win easily?
Which suit contains a tenace?
Against which opponent is the tenace beneficial?
After winning the trump lead, will you lead a second round of trumps now?
Which (different) side suit will you lead next?
Assuming a 2-1 trump break, how many tricks can you win easily?
In which suit must you avoid a loser in order to make your contract?
After winning the A, will you cash the A?
Which side suit will you lead next?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek