Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
Assuming a trump loser, how many sure tricks?
What do you need to make an extra trick in hearts?
in diamonds?
in clubs?
Which of your chances is the least likely?
Will you finesse the spade at trick one?
Which of your chances will you try first?
which next?
which last?
Counting one club trick, how many sure tricks?
What do you need to make an extra trick in spades?
in clubs if West has four or more clubs?
In clubs, which card will you lead first?
Counting one spade ruff, how many sure tricks?
in diamonds if West has five or more diamonds?
In spades, will you cash both top honors first?
© 1995 Richard Pavlicek