As West or East, decide how you would defend at the crucial moment.
You lead J. South wins A and leads Q to king, then J and lets it ride.
Your play and lead?
You win the K-A as partner plays 9-3 to show a doubleton.
Your next lead?
You win the K-A as partner and South both follow.
You lead the K which holds as partner signals with the eight.
You lead Q. Partner wins K, A then leads J and South ruffs with 10.
Your play?
You lead the 9. Partner wins J, K then leads A and South ruffs with 10.
Partner leads the K to dummys ace. Declarer plays the A and another spade.
Partner leads the 9 and dummy plays the jack.
Partner leads Q to king. Declarer plays A-K (partner high-lows) then the 3.
© 1998 Richard Pavlicek