Exercise 4M35 Main

Tactical Defense

 by Richard Pavlicek

As West or East, answer each question about the defense.

1. S A J 10 6 5 3WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH1 H
D J 5 42 D2 SPass4 H
C K Q 3 2PassPassPass
S Q 8 4Table
H A 10 2
D A K 10 9 7 6
C 9 4 H South

You lead the D K; partner plays the three, South the queen. Next lead? 

Everyone follows. Which suit do you lead next? 

Partner ruffs with the H 7; South overruffs with H 9 and leads H J. Your play? 

2. S J 10 9 5WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K Q 10 91 NT
D J 5Pass2 CPass2 S
C K J 4Pass4 SPassPass
S Q 4 3 2TablePass
H 6 4
D K Q 10 9
C 9 5 2 4 S South

You win the first two tricks with the D K-Q as partner high-lows. What next? 

North ruffs and leads S J; king, ace. South next leads the S 6. Do you win? 

What will you lead when you win the S Q? 


Top Tactical Defense

3. S K 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q J1 DDbl1 H
D K Q 10 5 2Pass1 NTPass4 H
C K 7 5 2PassPassPass
TableS A Q J 3
H A 4 3
D 4
4 H SouthC J 10 9 8 3

Partner leads the S 2 and you capture North’s king with your ace. How many spades does South have? 

Which minor ace, if any, is partner likely to hold? 

Which card do you lead next? 

4. S J 10 9WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K 8 71 S
D 3 2Pass2 CPass2 NT
C A K Q 10 5Pass4 SPassPass
TableS K Q 7Pass
H 9 6 5 3 2
D A 6
4 S SouthC J 9 7

Partner leads the D K. Which card do you play? 

Assume North ruffs the third round of diamonds. Do you overruff? 

Which card do you hope partner has to be able to set the contract? 


Top Tactical Defense

5. S A 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH A 9 6 42 DDblPass3 H
D K 4Pass4 HPassPass
C A 9 7 6Pass
TableS Q J 10 9
H 10 7 3
D 9
4 H SouthC K Q 10 8 3

Partner leads the D Q and North wins the king. How many diamonds do you think South has? 

How many hearts did South show in the bidding? 

At trick two North leads the D 4. Do you ruff? 

6. S K JWestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH Q 4 31 H
D K 4 2Pass2 C2 SPass
C A 10 9 5 4Pass4 HPassPass
TableS A Q 10 8 4 2Pass
H A 5
D 9 8 6 5
4 H SouthC 3

Partner leads the S 7 and you win the first two tricks. What do you lead next? 

Partner discards the D 3; North ruffs small, then the H 4 is led. Your play? 

What will you lead when you win the H A? 


Top Tactical Defense

© 1995 Richard Pavlicek