As West or East, answer each question about the defense.
What is your opening lead?
Partner plays the two. What is your next lead?
Partner plays the nine. Next two leads?
South ruffs the third spade with the J. Which card do you play?
Partner plays the two. How many spades did partner probably start with?
Do you see any prospects for an uppercut?
Which card do you lead next?
West leads the K. Which heart do you play?
West next leads the A. Which club do you play?
Who has the A?
West cashes the A then leads the J. Which card do you play?
West leads the Q. Who has the K?
Declarer wins the A and leads the J. Your play?
West wins A and leads the 10. Your play?
Which card will you lead when you gain the lead?
West leads the 5. Which spade do you play?
South drops the Q. Who has the missing spade?
How many hearts is partner likely to have?
West leads the A. Which heart do you play?
West leads a heart to your queen; South follows. Who has the missing heart?
What do you lead next?
On which round will you win the A?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek