Exercise 4J53 Main

Count Me In!

 by Richard Pavlicek

At trick two, declarer leads a spade in the contract shown, and the first three plays are underlined.
As East, you are last to play (fourth hand). Answer each question.

1. 4 HA 7 6
5K 9 2
South leads3

Is this an Attitude or Count situation? (A C)

What is your play? 

2. 4 HA K 5 4
8J 10 9 7
South leads2

Does West’s play show Attitude or Count? (A C)

What is your play? 

3. 4 HK J 10 8 6
4A 9 5 3
South leads7

Could South possibly have a singleton? 

What is your play? 

4. 4 HK Q 9 8 5
4A 7 6
South leads2

Could South possibly have a singleton? 

What is your play? 


Top Count Me In!

5. 4 HA Q
2J 10 7 5
South leads3

How many cards do you think South began with? 

What is your play? 

6. 4 HK Q 8 7
3A 10 6 2
South leadsJ

How many cards do you think South began with? 

What is your play? 

7. 4 HK J 10 8
6A 7 2
South leadsQ

How many cards do you think South began with? 

What is your play? 

8. 4 HQ J 10 5
2A 9 7 3
South leads4

Who do you think has the king? 

What is your play? 


Top Count Me In!

9. 4 HA 7 4
5Q J 9 8 2
South leads3

How many cards do you think South began with? 

What is your play? 

10. 4 HK Q J 7
4A 10 2
South leads3

Could South possibly have a singleton? 

What is your play? 

11. 4 SA K Q
38 2
South leads4

South opened 1 S. How many does he have? 

What is your play? 

12. 4 SA Q J 8
310 9 7
South leads2

Who has the king of trumps? 

What is your play? 


Top Count Me In!

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek