As West or East, answer each question about the defense.
You lead the K and East plays the queen. What do you lead next?
If South leads the 4, which heart do you play?
If South leads the 5, which club do you play?
You lead the K, East plays the seven and South the two. Your next lead?
If South leads the 2, which heart do you play?
If South leads the 2, which club do you play?
You lead the J, East plays the two and South the king. Who has the Q?
South leads the K. Your diamond play?
East takes the A on the third round. Your discard?
West leads the Q. Which diamond do you play?
Which heart do you play when trumps are first led?
If South leads the 3 to Norths king, which club do you play?
West leads the Q. Which club do you play?
If South leads the 2 to Norths king, which diamond do you play?
What is your first discard as diamonds are led?
West leads the K. Which club do you play?
Which spade do you play when trumps are first led?
If South leads the 3 and the play goes eight, king, which heart do you play?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek