Exercise 4H59 Main

Send Declarer Packing

 by Richard Pavlicek

As West, decide your opening lead and subsequent defense on each deal.
Assume South opened 1 H, North raised to 2 H, and South bid 4 H.

1. S A 6 2
H 8 3 2
D A 7 6 5 4
C 3 2
S K J 5Table
H 9 7 6
D K 10 9
C A J 10 9 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

Partner plays the 10 and South wins the king. South leads the D Q and lets you win the king as partner plays the two.

Who do you think has the diamond jack? 

How many diamonds did South probably start with? 

What do you lead next? 

2. S A 7 6 5
H Q J 2
D J 5 4 2
C 5 4
S 8 4Table
H 10 4
D K 10 9 7 3
C A Q 9 6 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

North wins, partner plays the queen, and South the two.

Who has the S K? 

At trick two North leads the C 4 and the play goes: two, jack, queen.

How many clubs did South probably start with? 

What do you lead next? 


Top Send Declarer Packing

3. S K 4 3
H J 10 2
D K 7 2
C Q J 5 4
S Q J 10Table
H 9 7 4
D Q J 9 6 5 4
C 3 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

North plays low, partner wins the ace, and South plays the six. Partner leads the C 2 and South plays the eight.

Which card do you play on this trick? 

In which suit might partner have another ace? 

What do you lead next? 

4. S A Q 8 3
H J 10 8 3
D 8 5 3
C 7 5
S J 6 4Table
H 9 2
D K J 9
C A K 9 6 4 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

North plays low, partner plays the queen, and South the two.

What do you lead next? 

Partner wins the 10 and shifts to the D 7; queen, king, three.

Do you think partner has the D A or D 10? 

What do you lead next? 


Top Send Declarer Packing

5. S A 10 6 4
H 10 9 3
D K 4 3 2
C 5 2
S J 2Table
H J 7 2
D Q J 9 7
C K 10 7 4 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

North plays low, partner plays the 6, and South the eight.

Who do you think has the diamond ace? 

What would be the worst suit to lead now? 

What do you lead next? 

6. S J 4
H A Q 9
D Q 3 2
C 8 7 6 5 4
S Q 10 8 7 3Table
H 10 6 2
D J 4
C K Q 2 4 H South

What is your opening lead? 

North plays the jack, partner the king, and South the ace. South wins the C A then leads the C J (partner plays up-the-line).

How many clubs do you think South started with? 

What do you lead next? 

Partner plays the six and South the two.

What do you lead next? 


Top Send Declarer Packing

© 1997 Richard Pavlicek