As West, decide your opening lead and defense on each deal.Assume South opened 1 NT and North raised to 3 NT.
What is your opening lead?
North wins, partner plays the three, and South the five. North leads the 3 and the play goes: seven, nine, queen.
Does it seem better to be Active or Passive? (A P)
Who do you think has the spade queen?
What do you lead next?
Partner plays the 10 and South the ace. South leads the 4 to the king (partner plays 10) then the Q is led to your king.
Which missing high card ( K, K, A or A) is partner likely to have?
North wins the king, partner plays the six, and South the two. North leads the 5 and the play goes: four, jack, king.
Who do you think has the diamond ace?
Partner plays the queen and South wins the king. South cashes the A (partner plays the six) then he leads the 5.
Who do you think has the diamond jack?
Which club did you play when South won the ace?
Partner wins the ace and South plays the two. Partner returns the five, South plays the nine, and you win the jack.
How many hearts did South probably start with?
North plays low, partner plays the five, and South the three.
What missing card makes it unsafe for you to lead the same suit?
© 1997 Richard Pavlicek