As South, answer each question. Assume no enemy bidding and standard defensive play.
You win the A then lead a heart to the king, on which East discards the 3.
How many hearts did West start with?
What is the best play?
At trick two East leads the 4, you ruff low and West plays the 3.
Which two suits must you establish to succeed?
You win the first trick with the K.
How many top tricks if trumps break 3-2?
West continues with the Q and you ruff. You cash the A and West pitches a club.
How many spades did East start with?
At trick two West leads the 2 to Easts ace and you ruff.
How many top tricks assuming a trump loser?
At trick two West leads the 6 to Easts ace.
How many top tricks if diamonds break 3-2?
© 1990 Richard Pavlicek