As South, answer each question. Assume no enemy bidding and standard defensive play.
East plays the K and you brilliantly win. There goes one of your aces, so try to make the best of your other two.
Which opponent do you think has longer clubs?
What is the best play?
East wins the A and returns the 5 which you ruff. You lead a heart to the king, then a heart to the ace on which East plays the jack and West the 10. Curiously, the 9 remains outstanding.
Which opponent has the remaining heart?
West next leads the 4 to Easts ace and you ruff. You lead the 4 to the queen and ace; East returns the 5 which you ruff.
How were the enemy spades split originally?
East wins the A and returns the 2, which you ruff. You next lead the Q which wins, then the J bad news, West pitches a club which you run to Easts king. East returns the 10.
Which opponent do you think has the Q?
East plays the Q and you win the ace. You next lead the A (both follow) then the K on which East pitches a spade.
Which opponent do you think has the J?
West continues with the Q which you ruff (East played high-low). You lead a heart to the king which wins, then the Q on which East pitches a spade; West wins the ace and leads the J (East plays 7).
Which opponent do you think has the A?
© 2014 Richard Pavlicek