Exercise 4E53 Main

Tactical Considerations

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, make 2 H to 7 H! Assume E-W only passed. Select a general plan (CDELRT) from:
Crossruff, Desperation finesse, Elimination, Loser-on-loser, Ruffing finesse, Transfer ruff.

1. S A 5 4
E-W vulH 10 9 8 7 6
D 9 8 5 3
C 3
Lead: S J 
S 9 3 2
H K Q 3
D A 6 4
2 H SouthC A Q J 5

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

What is your general plan? 

After winning the S A, which card do you lead? 

Which is the last suit you will lead? 

2. S K 10 8
None vulH J 10 2
D 5 3 2
C K J 8 4
Lead: D J 
S Q 2
H Q 9 8 7 6 4
D A 8 4
3 H SouthC A 3

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

What is your general plan? 

After winning the D A, which card do you lead? 

What are your plays at the next trick? 


Top Tactical Considerations

3. S A Q 9 7 5 3
None vulH 7 5 2
D J 4
C A 4
Lead: S 10 
S 2
H A K Q J 10
D 10 8
4 H SouthC K 9 6 5 3

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

Which opponent is likely to have longer clubs? 

What is your general plan? 

How many trumps will draw immediately? 

4. S Q 10 5
N-S vulH A Q 9 8
D 10 8 6 2
C 4 2
Lead: S K 
H K J 10 7 6
D A J 7
5 H SouthC A K J 3

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

What is your general plan? 

West shifts to H 5. Do you win it in North or South? 

What are your plays at the next trick? 


Top Tactical Considerations

5. S 8 5 4 3
None vulH 9 8 7 6 5
Lead: H JEast plays H 2 
S A Q 10
H A K Q 4 3
D Q J 4
6 H SouthC 3 2

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

What is your general plan? 

Which suit will you lead at trick two? 

Which is the last suit you will lead? 

6. S K Q J 10 9 8
None vulH A Q J 7
D 2
C 8 7
Lead: C JEast plays C 6 
H K 10 9 8 4
D A K Q 8 4
7 H SouthC A K 2

Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have? 

What is your general plan? 

How many top diamonds will you cash? 

Which is the last suit you will lead? 


Top Tactical Considerations

© 1996 Richard Pavlicek