As South, make these six games (ignore overtricks). Select a general plan (CDELRT) from:Crossruff, Desperation finesse, Elimination, Loser-on-loser, Ruffing finesse, Transfer ruff.
Excluding ruffs, how many top tricks do you have?
What is your general plan?
Do you win the club lead with the Ace or King?
All follow to two trumps. What is your next lead?
Which spade do you play from dummy at trick one?
East returns a heart and you win K-A. What will be your next trick?
How many diamonds do you think West began with?
Which suit will you ruff first?
Assume you duck the first spade and win the second. Do you lead trumps now?
Which side suit will you lead first?
You draw trumps (2-1). What do you lead next?
How many diamonds do you think East began with?
If a third diamond is led, which card will you play from dummy?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek