Exercise 4D41 Main

Counting Tricks at Suits

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, answer each question.

1. S 10 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH Q 10 31 S
D K 7 3Pass1 NTPass3 S
C A 9 7 6 2Pass4 SPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: C Q 
S A K Q J 9 4
H 7 2
D A 8 6 2
4 S SouthC 3

How many trump winners do you have for certain? (Do not count ruffs)

How many top tricks do you have in the three side suits? 

How many additional tricks are required to make your contract? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by an honor? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by length? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by ruffing? 

Which side suit will you work on first to obtain an additional trick? 

How many rounds of trumps will you lead immediately? 


Top Counting Tricks at Suits

2. S 9 7 3WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH 7 6 32 C
D A Q 8 5 4Pass2 DPass2 S
C 7 2Pass3 SPass4 C
Table Pass4 DPass6 S
Lead: H J AP
S A K Q 5 2
D 6 3
6 S SouthC A K Q 6 3

How many trump winners do you expect with a 3-2 break? (Do not count ruffs)

How many top tricks do you have in the three side suits? 

How many additional tricks are required to make your contract? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by an honor? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by length? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by ruffing? 

Which side suit will you work on first to obtain an additional trick? 

How many rounds of trumps will you lead immediately? 


Top Counting Tricks at Suits

3. S K 9 7 6 3WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH A J 5 31 SPass2 C
D 3Pass2 HPass3 C
C A 5 2Pass5 CPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: D 7 
S 2
H K 6 4
D A 9 2
5 C SouthC K 9 8 7 6 3

How many trump winners do you expect with a 3-1 break? (Do not count ruffs)

How many top tricks do you have in the three side suits? 

How many additional tricks are required to make your contract? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by an honor? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by length? 

Which suit(s) may yield an extra trick by ruffing? 

Which side suit will you work on first to obtain an additional trick? 

How many rounds of trumps will you lead immediately? 


Top Counting Tricks at Suits

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek