Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
How many top tricks do you have?
How many hearts does West probably have?
On which round will you win your A? (1 2 3)
Which player do you wish to keep off lead?
From which suit do you plan to gain extra tricks?
From which hand do you want to lead this suit first?
After taking the A, what card will you win next?
Which card will you lead next?
Assuming next hand plays low, what do you play?
Are leaders spades Long, Short or Unknown? (L S U)
How many extra tricks do you hope for in diamonds?
Which suit will provide the other trick(s) you need?
Which suit are you most worried about?
Of the suits you will lead, which is more likely to lose to the dangerous hand?
In which hand do you win the opening lead?
Which suit do you lead next?
On which round will you win the A? (1 2)
Which club will you lead first?
Next hand plays the 9. Which club do you play?
Fourth hand plays the 4. What do you lead next?
Next hand plays the 10. Which club do you play?
© 1996 Richard Pavlicek