Exercise 4C49 Main

Counting Tricks at Notrump

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, answer each question.

1. S J 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A K 6 41 CPass1 NT
D J 10 6PassPassPass
C A 8 4 2
Lead: S 5 
S Q 8 3
H Q 7 2
D Q 7 2
1 NT SouthC K 7 6 3

How many top tricks do you have in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

How many additional tricks do you need to make your contract? 

How many additional tricks are possible in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

Which spade do you play from dummy at trick one? 

Which suit do you plan to work on first to obtain additional tricks? 


Top Counting Tricks at Notrump

2. S A K J 6 5WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH A 5 41 SPass1 NT
D K 4 3Pass2 NTPassPass
C Q JPass
Lead: D 7 
S 4
H 7 6 3 2
D Q J 5
2 NT SouthC K 10 9 8 2

How many top tricks do you have in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

How many additional tricks do you need to make your contract? 

How many additional tricks are possible in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

Which diamond do you play from dummy at trick one? 

Which suit do you plan to work on first to obtain additional tricks? 


Top Counting Tricks at Notrump

3. S Q 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A 7 5 31 C1 S3 NT
D 8 4 2PassPassPass
C A K 7
Lead: S 10 
S K 9 3
H K 6 4
D A Q 7
3 NT SouthC Q 8 4 3

How many top tricks do you have in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

How many additional tricks do you need to make your contract? 

How many additional tricks are possible in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

Which spade do you play from dummy at trick one? 

Which suit do you plan to work on first to obtain additional tricks? 


Top Counting Tricks at Notrump

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek