As declarer, answer each question about the spade suit in the contract shown.Assume adequate entries to lead from either hand as needed.
What is the chance (%) to win four tricks?
Will you win ace first?
What is the chance (%) to win one trick?
Will you finesse 10-9?
What is the chance (%) to win three tricks?
Which card do you lead?
What is the chance (%) to win six tricks?
to win five tricks?
at least three tricks?
at least two tricks?
Will you finesse the nine if East drops the 10?
if East drops the jack?
at least five tricks?
Will you finesse the 10 if West drops the jack?
if West drops the queen?
Will you finesse the nine if West drops the 10?
if West drops the jack?
© 1996 Richard Pavlicek