Lesson 3C Main

Rebids by Opener

 by Richard Pavlicek

The purpose of this lesson is not to teach basic rebids by opener (you should already know them) but to clarify some of the finer points. Opener’s reverse bid, in particular, is notorious for creating many problems and it will be explained here.

I will also offer advice on how to choose the better rebid when faced with alternatives, and when to bend the rules slightly.

The Basic Rebids

The following tables summarize the basic rebidding strategy of the opening bidder. More specifically, it is assumed that the opening bid is one of a suit and the response is a new suit at the one level without enemy interference.

With 4+ card trump support
13-15 pointsraise to 2
16-18 pointsraise to 3
19+ pointsraise to 4

With a balanced hand
12-14* HCPbid 1 NT
18-19* HCPjump to 2 NT

*Assumes 15-17 1 NT opening. If 1 NT is 16-18, ranges would be 13-15 and 19-20, respectively.

With 4+ cards in unbid suit
13-18 pointsbid new suit*
19+ pointsjump shift*

*Oversimplified. See “The Reverse Bid.”

With 6+ cards in original suit
13-15 pointsbid 2 of suit
16-18 pointsbid 3 of suit
19+ pointsbid 4 of suit*

*Rare if suit is a minor. Look for an alternative.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

The Reverse Bid

A reverse bid is a nonjump bid at the two level in a suit that is higher ranking than opener’s first suit after a one-level response.

In each case opener shows at least five cards in his first suit and usually four cards in his second suit. The first suit is always longer than the second suit because with equal length opener would bid the higher ranking suit first.

Opener’s reverse bid requires 17+ points (or 16 HCP) and is forcing for one round.

S 4 3
H 3
D A K J 8
C A K J 9 7 4
TableS J 9 5
H K J 9 5 4 2
D 4 3
C 10 2

1 C
2 D
3 C
1 H
2 H

The reverse bid of 2 D (forcing) is more descriptive than a jump to 3 C. Opener next bids 3 C to describe his 6-4 pattern.

S A 8 2
H K Q 9 4
D A K 10 8 5
C 2
TableS K 10 9 6 5
H 2
D 6 2
C A Q 9 5 4

1 D
2 H
3 S
1 S
3 C
4 S

The 2 H reverse bid lets opener describe his shape perfectly. Note that with four spades, opener would raise immediately.

The reverse bid also applies if the response is 1 NT.

S A Q J 4
H 3
D A K Q 8 3
C J 7 3
TableS 7 5 2
H J 7 6
D 7 2
C A Q 10 8 4

1 D
2 S
4 C
1 NT
3 C
5 C

The reverse bid of 2 S (forcing) allows the partnership to reach a superior minor-suit game instead of a hopeless 3 NT.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Jump Reverse Bid

Since the reverse bid is forcing, there is little need for a jump reverse bid except to show a specific kind of hand. I recommend the following agreement:

A jump reverse bid shows 19+ points and at least 6-4 shape. It is forcing to game.

S 2
H A K 8 4
D A 2
C A K 10 8 7 3
TableS J 10 8 6 5
H 6 5 2
D Q J 4
C Q 2

1 C
3 H
1 S
3 NT

Your second bid guarantees at least six clubs along with your four hearts; hence you do not need to worry about repeating your clubs.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Three Notrump Rebid

A rebid not described in the basic tables is the double jump to 3 NT. This does not show a balanced hand (as does 1 NT or 2 NT). Instead it shows a strong desire to play 3 NT based on length in the original suit. Opener will often have a singleton in responder’s bid suit.

Opener’s double jump rebid of 3 NT shows 16-19 HCP, at least six cards in his original suit, and stoppers in both unbid suits.

S K 5
H 4
D A Q 8
C A K J 8 7 4 3
TableS 9 7 4
H K Q 8 6 5
D 5 4
C 9 5 2

1 C
3 NT
1 H

The most likely final contract is 3 NT, so the practical approach is just to bid it. You have the spades and diamonds stopped, partner should have hearts stopped, and the clubs will provide tricks.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Three-Card Raise

On some hands the best choice of rebids is to raise responder’s major suit with only three cards. This is especially desirable at matchpoint duplicate, where bidding and making a major-suit contract invariably leads to a good score.

Hands with 5-4-3-1 shape are good candidates for a three-card raise if too weak for a reverse, or if your four-card suit is a weak minor.

How come you wouldn’t raise me with three trumps?

Come on, Joe. The way you play, I wouldn’t raise you with four trumps.

S K Q 4
H A K 8 7 2
D J 6 5 2
C 3
TableS J 10 8 3
H 3
D Q 10 3
C A 8 7 6 4

1 H
2 S
1 S

The textbook rebid is 2 D, but the suit quality is so lousy. If you want to be a winner, don’t be afraid to raise with three trumps in a pinch.

Prefer a three-card raise instead of 1 NT if you have a worthless doubleton in an unbid suit.

S 4 3
H A 9 7
D A K 8 7 4
C K 8 2
TableS J 7 2
H J 8 6 4 2
D 10 2
C A J 3

1 D
2 H
1 H

Opener’s hand is balanced so he is supposed to rebid 1 NT, but the spade holding invites disaster. It is far more sensible to raise to 2 H.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Five-Card Suit Rebid

Opener usually has six cards when he repeats the same suit, however, there are times when it is necessary to repeat a five-card suit.

With 5-4 shape and insufficient strength to make a reverse bid, it is permissible to rebid a decent five-card suit.

Be sure to understand that rebidding a five-card suit is the exception, not the normal practice.

S 2
H A K 4 2
D 6 5 3
C K Q 10 9 4
TableS Q 10 7 5 3
H 8 3
D A 9 7 4
C J 3

1 C
2 C
1 S

You are too weak to bid 2 H (a reverse bid) so the only reasonable choice is to repeat the good club suit.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Off-Shape 1 NT Rebid

Opener’s 1 NT rebid shows a balanced hand, however, this rule can be bent when the alternative forces you to rebid a poor suit.

With an almost balanced hand you may treat it as balanced if your shortest suit* contains an ace, king or queen.

*With two doubletons this refers to the unbid suit.

H A Q 4 2
D A 9 7 6 5
C J 6 2
TableS J 10 7 5
H K 8 3
D 4 2
C Q 10 9 3

1 D
1 NT
1 S

The off-shape 1 NT rebid is preferable to 2 D because of the poor suit quality. The fact that your singleton is an honor would compensate if partner rebid his spades.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

Manufactured Rebids

Certain strong rebids, namely the reverse and the jump shift, may be manufactured when the alternatives are unattractive.

A manufactured rebid is not an “artificial bid” — it is a natural bid that you deem more likely to allow your partnership to get to the best final contract. The condition that these bids are forcing ensures you will have a chance to describe your hand further.

Instead of jumping in a poor-quality suit, consider a reverse bid in a good three-card suit.

S A 8 4
H A K 9
D A J 8 6 4 2
C 3
TableS K 7 3 2
H 5 4 3
D Q 3
C K J 10 7

1 D
2 H
3 S
1 S
2 NT
3 NT

Opener’s hand has the strength to jump to 3 D, but the suit is less than substantial. The forcing 2 H bid guides the partnership into the best game. If partner happened to raise hearts, you would correct to spades.

If your hand is too strong for a jump to three in your suit, consider a jump shift (or reverse) in a good three-card suit.

S 4
D A K J 9 7 6 4
C K Q 8
TableS 9 7 3
H K 7 6 2
D Q 3
C J 10 5 2

1 D
3 C
4 D
1 H
4 C
5 D

Opener is too strong to rebid 3 D, and jumping to 4 D is poor strategy. The 3 C bid (game forcing) might get you to 3 NT if responder had spades covered. Here it leads to a minor-suit game.

Lesson 3C MainTop Rebids by Opener

© 2012 Richard Pavlicek