Bidding Guide 2Z45 Main |
| by Richard Pavlicek |
Partner 2 NT | Opp. Pass | You ? |
4+ points | bid 3 Stayman | F |
4-9 points | bid 4 , 4 , 5 or 5 | S |
4+ points | bid 3 or 3 | F |
10+ points | bid 3 or 3 | F |
0-3 points | pass | |
4-10 points | bid 3 NT | S |
Since 3 is Stayman you must bid 4 at your next turn.
Partner 3 NT | Opp. Pass | You ? |
7+ points | bid 4 Stayman | F |
2-6 points | bid 4 , 4 , 5 or 5 | S |
7+ points | bid 4 or 4 | F |
0-6 points | pass |
Since 4 is Stayman you must bid your real suit (clubs, hearts or spades) at your next turn (forcing).
Bidding Guide 2Z45 Main | Top Strong Opening Bids |
Partner 2 | Opp. Pass | You ? |
0-7 HCP | bid 2 (negative) | F |
8+ HCP | bid 2 , 2 , 3 or 3 | F |
8+ HCP | bid 2 NT | F |
With 4-4-4-1 shape there is no prescribed response. You may bid a good 4 card suit, or 2 NT with a singleton ace or king.
You 2 ? | Opp. Pass | Partner 2 | Opp. Pass |
23-24 HCP | bid 2 NT | N |
27-28 HCP | bid 3 NT | N |
23+ points | bid 2 , 2 , 3 or 3 | F |
With 4-4-4-1 shape there is no prescribed rebid. You may bid a strong 4 card suit, or notrump with a singleton ace or king.
Partner 2 2 | Opp. Pass Pass | You 2 ? | Opp. Pass |
You must bid again, even with no points. You may raise partners suit with 3+ trumps, bid a 5+ card suit of your own, or bid notrump with a balanced hand.
Partner 2 2 NT | Opp. Pass Pass | You 2 ? | Opp. Pass |
Respond as you would to an opening bid of 2 NT or 3 NT (see previous tables) except all point ranges are lowered by 2 points to compensate for the fact that partners range is 2 points greater.
Bidding Guide 2Z45 Main | Top Strong Opening Bids |
© 2002 Richard Pavlicek