Bidding Guide 2Z43 Main |
| by Richard Pavlicek |
7+ card suit or strong 6 card suit |
no more than 10 HCP (usually 5-8 HCP) |
no side 4 card major Q-x-x-x or better |
Estimate how many tricks you are likely to win if your long suit is trumps, then
Vulnerable vs. nonvulnerable | add 2 tricks |
Equal vulnerability | add 3 tricks |
Nonvulnerable vs. vulnerable | add 4 tricks |
8 tricks or less | pass |
9+ tricks | bid for that many tricks |
If partner has passed, these requirements are not strict.
Unless your hand qualifies for a weak two-bid.
But do not bid beyond the level of game in your suit.
Partner 3 | Opp. Pass | You ? |
Add the tricks you can provide to the tricks partner showed (remember that he has overbid by 2, 3 or 4 tricks). Usually you will pass or raise partners suit (only 1 trump is needed). In rare cases you may bid an unbid suit with 6+ cards (forcing if below game) or 3 NT with 2+ cards in partners suit and stoppers in the other suits.
Only aces and kings are apt to provide tricks for partner.
Bidding Guide 2Z43 Main | Top Preemptive Bids |
© 2002 Richard Pavlicek