Bidding Guide 2Z43 Main

Preemptive Bids

 by Richard Pavlicek

Opening suit bids or jump suit overcalls from 3 C to 5 D

When and How High To Preempt

Your hand should contain 1

7+ card suit or strong 6 card suit
no more than 10 HCP (usually 5-8 HCP)
no side 4 card major Q-x-x-x or better

Count your playing tricks

Estimate how many tricks you are likely to win if your long suit is trumps, then

Add how much you may overbid by

Vulnerable vs. nonvulnerableadd 2 tricks
Equal vulnerabilityadd 3 tricks
Nonvulnerable vs. vulnerableadd 4 tricks

If the final total is

8 tricks or lesspass 2
9+ tricksbid for that many tricks 3

1 If partner has passed, these requirements are not strict.

2 Unless your hand qualifies for a weak two-bid.

3 But do not bid beyond the level of game in your suit.

Responses to a Preemptive Bid

3 D

General guidelines

Add the tricks you can provide 4 to the tricks partner showed (remember that he has overbid by 2, 3 or 4 tricks). Usually you will pass or raise partner’s suit (only 1 trump is needed). In rare cases you may bid an unbid suit with 6+ cards (forcing if below game) or 3 NT with 2+ cards in partner’s suit and stoppers in the other suits.

4 Only aces and kings are apt to provide tricks for partner.

Bidding Guide 2Z43 MainTop Preemptive Bids

© 2002 Richard Pavlicek