Bidding Guide 2Z41 Main

Weak Two-Bids

 by Richard Pavlicek

Opening bids or jump overcalls of 2 D, 2 H or 2 S

Requirements for a Weak Two-Bid

Your hand should contain

6 card suit Q-x-x-x-x-x or better
6 to 11 HCP
no side 4 card major Q-x-x-x or better

If you are vulnerable

Your suit should contain two of the top three honors (at least K-Q-x-x-x-x) or three of the top five honors (at least Q-J-10-x-x-x).

If partner is a passed hand

Any single requirement may be tactfully violated. For example, you may bid a strong 5 card suit.

Responses to Two Diamonds

2 D

With a 6+ card unbid suit

10-15 points 1bid your suitN
16+ pointsbid 2 NTF

With any hand

14+ HCPbid 2 NT 2F

With 3+ card diamond support

10-15 pointsraise to 3 D 3N
16+ pointsbid 2 NTF

1 If your suit is clubs it must be strong (or any 7+ cards) and you should not have 3+ cards in diamonds.

2 Alternatively you may bid 3 NT with 16-19 HCP and stoppers in the remaining three suits.

3 This is mainly an obstructive bid to hinder the opponents. With 4+ trumps you may also raise to 4 D or 5 D.

Bidding Guide 2Z41 MainTop Weak Two-Bids

Responses to Two Hearts or Two Spades

2 H

With 3+ card trump support

8-13 pointsraise to 3 H or 3 S 4N
14-16 pointsbid 2 NTF
17-19 pointsraise to 4 H or 4 SS
20+ pointsbid 2 NTF

With a 6+ card unbid suit

10-15 points 5bid your suitN
16+ pointsbid 2 NTF

With any hand

14+ HCPbid 2 NTF

4 This is mainly an obstructive bid to hinder the opponents. With 4+ trumps you may also raise to 4 H or 4 S.

5 If your suit is hearts or a minor, it must be strong (or any 7+ cards) and you should not have 2+ cards in partner’s major.

Rebids after a Two-Notrump Response

2 S
2 NT

With any minimum

6-8 HCPbid 3 of your suitN

With a suit headed by A-K-Q or A-K-J

9-11 HCPbid 3 NTN

With an outside ace, king or queen

9-11 HCPbid that suitF

Rebids by Two-Notrump Responder

2 D
3 D
2 NT

General guidelines

Usually you will pass or bid game in partner’s suit or 3 NT. A bid in partner’s original suit below game is invitational. A bid in any other suit below game shows 5+ cards and is forcing.

Bidding Guide 2Z41 MainTop Weak Two-Bids

© 2002 Richard Pavlicek