Bidding Guide 2Z35 Main |
| by Richard Pavlicek |
Opp. 1 | You ? |
10-12 points | bid at 1 level only | N |
13-18 points | bid cheapest level | N |
19+ points | double (then bid suit) |
16-18 HCP | bid 1 NT | N |
19+ HCP | double (then bid NT) |
13-15 points | double (then pass) |
16-18 points | double (then raise) |
19+ points | double (then jump raise) |
Avoid a 2 level overcall in a poor suit, especially when vulnerable. You may be doubled for penalty.
Opp. 1 | Partner 1 | Opp. Pass | You ? |
8-11 points | bid cheapest level | N |
12-14 points | jump in suit | I |
15-18 points | bid game in suit | N |
8-11 points | raise to 2 | N |
12-14 points | raise to 3 | I |
15-18 points | raise to game | N |
8-11 HCP | bid 1 NT | N |
12-14 HCP | bid 2 NT | I |
15-18 HCP | bid 3 NT | N |
Bidding Guide 2Z35 Main | Top Overcalls and Doubles |
Opp. 1 | Partner 2 | Opp. Pass | You ? |
8-11 points | bid cheapest level | N |
12+ points | jump in suit | F |
8-11 points | raise to 3 | N |
12-13 points | raise to 4 | I |
14-16 points | raise to game | N |
8-11 HCP | bid 2 NT | N |
12-16 HCP | bid 3 NT | N |
Suit must be 6+ cards if jump is at the 3 level, or 7+ cards (or a strong 6) at the 4 level or higher.
If unsure of the best contract you should cue-bid the enemy suit (forcing) to allow room to explore.
In the case of hearts this is game (nonforcing).
Opp. 1 | Partner 1 NT | Opp. Pass | You ? |
Ignore the enemy bid and respond exactly as you would to a 1 NT opening bid.
Opp. 1 | Partner Dbl | Opp. Pass | You ? |
0-9 points | bid cheapest level | N |
10-12 points | jump in suit | I |
13-16 points | bid game in suit | N |
6-9 HCP | bid 1 NT | N |
10-12 HCP | bid 2 NT | I |
13-16 HCP | bid 3 NT | N |
Rarely you may bid a 3 card suit. Do not pass the double except with 5+ strong cards in enemy suit.
Bidding Guide 2Z35 Main | Top Overcalls and Doubles |
© 2002 Richard Pavlicek