Bidding Guide 2Z29 Main |
| by Richard Pavlicek |
You 1 ? | Opp. Pass | Partner 1 | Opp. Pass |
13-15 points | raise to 2 | N |
16-18 points | raise to 3 | I |
19+ points | raise to 4 | N |
13-15 HCP | bid 1 NT | N |
19-20 HCP | bid 2 NT | I |
13-18 points | bid suit cheapest level | N |
19+ points | jump in suit | F |
13-15 points | bid 2 of your suit | N |
16-18 points | bid 3 of your suit | I |
19+ points | bid 4 of your suit | N |
On rare occasions you may raise to 2 or 2 with 3 trumps (at least Q-x-x) when no other rebid is attractive.
In the case of a minor (rare) this bid is forcing.
You also should not have a 4 card major suit that can be bid at the 1 level.
With 13-15 points you cannot bid an unbid suit beyond 2 of your original suit. This would be a reverse bid and it shows 16+ points. The modern treatment is that a reverse bid is forcing although the matter is controversial.
In rare cases you may rebid a 5 card suit if your suit is powerful (such as K-Q-J-10-x) or if your hand does not qualify for any other rebid.
Suit should be very strong if only 6 cards.
Bidding Guide 2Z29 Main | Top Rebids by Opener |
You 1 ? | Opp. Pass | Partner 1 NT | Opp. Pass |
13-15 points | pass | |
16-18 points | bid 2 NT | I |
19+ points | bid 3 NT | N |
These actions may also be taken with a slightly unbalanced hand if the chances of finding a trump fit are slim.
You 1 ? | Opp. Pass | Partner 2 | Opp. Pass |
13-18 HCP | bid 2 NT | F |
19-20 HCP | bid 3 NT | N |
13-18 points | bid suit cheapest level | F |
19+ points | jump in suit | F |
13-18 points | bid 2 of your suit | F |
19+ points | bid 3 of your suit | F |
13-18 points | raise to 3 | F |
19+ points | raise to 4 | F |
You 1 ? | Opp. Pass | Partner 2 | Opp. Pass |
13-15 points | raise to 3 | F |
16-18 points | raise to 4 | N |
Do not raise immediately with only 3 trumps if you have 5-5 shape or a strong 6+ card spade suit. Also note that there is no listing for 19+ points (see Slam Bidding).
Bidding Guide 2Z29 Main | Top Rebids by Opener |
© 2002 Richard Pavlicek