Bidding Guide 2Z27 Main

Responses to One of a Suit

 by Richard Pavlicek

When partner opens 1 C, 1 D, 1 H or 1 S

After a Minor Opening

1 C

With a 5+ card unbid suit

6-10 pointsbid suit at 1 level onlyF
11-16 pointsbid suit at lowest levelF
17+ pointsjump in suitF

With a 4 card major suit

6+ pointsbid 1 H or 1 SF

With a balanced hand

6-10 HCP1bid 1 NTN
11-12 HCPbid unbid minor2F
13-16 HCPbid 2 NTF
17-18 HCPbid 3 NTN

With 5+ trumps or at least Q-x-x-x

6-10 pointsraise to 2 C or 2 DN
11-12 pointsbid unbid minor2F
13-16 pointsraise to 3 C or 3 DF
17+ pointsjump in unbid minor2F

1 After a 1 D opening your hand may be unbalanced if your long suit is clubs.

2 Normally this shows 4+ cards, but rarely may be a 3 card minor suit as a temporizing bid to describe your point count.

Which Suit To Bid (after a minor)

1 C

With a choice of suits to bid, if you have

a 5+ card suitbid longest suit
5-5 or 6-6 shapebid higher suit
no 5+ card suitbid 4 card major
4-4 in majorsbid 1 H

Bidding Guide 2Z27 MainTop Responses to One of a Suit

After a Major Opening

1 H

With 3+ trumps

6-10 pointsraise to 2 H or 2 SN
11-12 pointsbid unbid suit2F
13-16 points3raise to 3 H or 3 SF
17+ pointsjump in unbid suit2F

With a 5+ card unbid suit or 4 spades

6-10 pointsbid 1 S with 4+ spadesF
11-16 pointsbid suit at lowest levelF
17+ pointsjump in suit4F

With a balanced hand

11-12 HCPbid unbid suit2F
13-16 HCPbid 2 NTF
17-18 HCPbid 3 NTN

As a last resort

6-10 HCPbid 1 NTN

3 This requires 4+ trumps or at least Q-x-x. Failing that you should bid an unbid suit or 2 NT then raise later.

4 Do not jump if you plan to bid 2 unbid suits or if you have only 4 spades; just bid at the lowest level.

Which Suit To Bid (after a major)

1 H

With a choice of suits to bid, if you have

a 5+ card suitbid longest suit
5-5 or 6-6 shapebid higher suit
4 spadesbid 1 S
otherwisebid minor (stronger if both)

Responding as a Passed Hand

1 D

Follow the prescribed methods, except

A bid of 2 NT or a raise to 3 shows 11-12 points (invitational). A jump in an unbid suit shows 13+ points (forcing) based on a fit with partner.

Bidding Guide 2Z27 MainTop Responses to One of a Suit

© 2002 Richard Pavlicek