While visiting in Romania you are invited to Bran Castle (legendary home of Dracula) for some rubber bridge. Somehow you agree to play for 10 lei a point and sit down against two shady looking characters in trench coats. Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea, but it’s too late now as the castle guards lock the door. At least you pick up a good hand!
Before you get a chance to bid, partner opens 1 . Your RHO unbuttons his trench coat, as if looking for something, and passes. What is your response?
It’s not wise to start jumping until you are confident which suit should be trumps. Your LHO gives you a threatening look and passes, partner raises to 3 , and RHO shrugs a pass. What next?
This shows first-round control in clubs. It is unwise to use Blackwood without diamond control. Partner bids 4 (opponents look irritated, but pass). Now what?
Partner’s bid was just what you wanted to hear, so now you ask for aces. Partner answers 5 , showing two. What do you bid now?
You might as well ask for kings, and partner bids 6 , showing one. Your heart pounds faster as RHO reaches inside his trench coat again. Could he have a gun? Oh well, what is your final bid?
Count Dracula is impressed!
The thug on your left leads the 10, and partner puts down about what you expect:
Take your time! How many top tricks do you count?
Which two suits offer a chance to win another trick?
Do you win the diamond lead with the king or the queen?
You cash the A and both thugs follow. Which heart honor will you win next?
East shows out, slapping a club on the table with a steely glare. Which card do you lead next?
West huddles (probably for show) and plays low. Which card do you play from dummy?
Which suit do you lead next?
East plays the king. Which heart do you ruff with?
You might as well ruff high just in case, but the thug on your left follows with a low spade.
You’re doing great! The following cards remain, and the lead is now in your hand:
Which suit next?
LHO angrily plays his last trump, dummy wins, and RHO throws another club. Which suit next?
You ruff in hand, and both thugs follow suit. How many more spades are outstanding?
With great trepidation, you cross to dummy in diamonds and lead the 8. Which card do you play from your hand?
You better! It wasn’t good. Is the last spade now good?
Congratulations! You just made a grand slam. The good news is that you just won over 15,000 lei. The bad news is that you may never get out of the castle to spend it. “Deal!” says the thug on your right.
The E-W hands were:
© 2013 Richard Pavlicek