Exercise 2T81 Main

Third Time’s a Charm

 by Richard Pavlicek

West leads a spade against the contract shown, and the underlined card is played from dummy.
As East, state which card you would play and answer the other question.

1. 3 NT10 7 2
West leadsS 6TableA 9 5
Your play 

Which card will you play next? 

2. 3 NTK 7 2
West leadsS 4TableA 10 6
Your play 

What would you play if North played the king? 

3. 3 NT8 6
West leadsS 5TableK Q 4
Your play 

What would you play if leading this suit? 

4. 3 NT7 2
West leadsS 10TableK 5 4
Your play 

What would you play if North led the two? 


Top Third Time’s a Charm

5. 3 NTA J 4
West leadsS 3TableK 10 2
Your play 

What would you play if North played the jack? 

6. 3 NTK 4 2
West leadsS 5TableQ 10 9
Your play 

What would you play if you held J-10-9? 

7. 4 HA J 2
West leadsS 4TableQ 9 3
Your play 

Who probably has the king? 

8. 4 HQ 5 4
West leadsS 3TableK 10 9
Your play 

Who has the ace? 


Top Third Time’s a Charm

9. 4 HQ 5 2
West leadsS 10TableA K 9 6 4
Your play 

Which card will you play next? 

10. 4 HQ 9 7 5
West leadsS 4TableK 10 8 6
Your play 

What would you play if North played the nine? 

11. 4 HA 3 2
West leadsS 7TableQ J 10 9
Your play 

What would you play if North won the ace? 

12. 4 HJ 6 5
West leadsS 4TableA 9 2
Your play 

What would you play if contract were notrump? 


Top Third Time’s a Charm

© 1999 Richard Pavlicek