Exercise 2T77 Main

Sink Declarer’s Ship!

 by Richard Pavlicek

As East, can you find the defensive plays to defeat these contracts?

1. S J 10 9 4WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A K 31 S
D 4 3Pass3 SPass4 S
C K J 10 9PassPassPass
TableS 3 2
H Q 7 5 4
D A 8 6 2
4 S SouthC A Q 3

West leads the D J. Which diamond do you play? 

South drops the D K. Who has the D Q? 

Assuming declarer has five solid trumps, how many top tricks does he have? 

Which suit will allow him to develop two more? 

Which side suit offers the only chance for you to set the contract? 

Which card do you lead at trick two? 

The missing hands:

S 7 6
H J 9 6
D J 10 9 7 5
C 6 5 4
S A K Q 8 5
H 10 8 2
C 8 7 2


Top Sink Declarer’s Ship!

2. S 5 3WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH Q 4 31 NT
D J 6 5Pass3 NTPassPass
C K Q J 10 9Pass
TableS 9 4 2
H K 6 5
D K 9 8 7
3 NT SouthC A 6 4

West leads the H 10; North plays low. Your play? 

South wins the H J and leads the C 3; West plays the C 2. Do you win it? 

Do you take your ace on the second club lead? 

When you win the C A, which card do you lead? 

South wins the ace and leads the D Q; West plays the D 4. Do you win it? 

When you win your D K, which card do you lead? 

The missing hands:

S K J 10 6
H 10 9 8 7
D 4 2
C 8 7 2
S A Q 8 7
H A J 2
D A Q 10 3
C 5 3


Top Sink Declarer’s Ship!

3. S 6 5 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K 10 91 H
D K Q 7 2Pass3 HPass6 H
C A J 3PassPassPass
TableS K 8 3
H 3 2
D J 8 6 4
6 H SouthC K Q 10 9

West leads the S Q. Which spade do you play? 

South wins the S A and leads three rounds of hearts as West discards the C 2. How many top tricks does declarer have? 

What is your first discard? 

Declarer leads a fourth trump; West throws a club, and dummy a spade. Your discard? 

Declarer leads a fifth trump; West throws a club, and dummy a spade. Your discard? 

The missing hands:

S Q J 10 7
H 6 5
D 10 3
C 8 7 6 4 2
S A 9 4
H A Q J 8 7 4
D A 9 5
C 5


Top Sink Declarer’s Ship!

© 1999 Richard Pavlicek