As West or East, decide your discarding strategy on each hand.
You lead the 5, dummy plays low, East the queen, and South wins the king.
Which suit would you like East to lead?
Declarer wins the K and leads a club. Your discard?
North wins the A then a club is led to East’s queen. Your discard?
You lead the 5, dummy plays low, East the nine, and South wins the king.
West leads the 4, dummy plays low, you play the nine, and South wins the queen.
Which suit would you like West to lead?
North wins the K then a club is led. Your discard?
South wins the A then a third club is led to West’s queen. Your discard?
West leads the Q and dummy plays low.
Which heart do you play at trick one?
Declarer wins two rounds of trumps. Your discard?
Declarer wins a third trump as West follows suit. Your discard?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek