Exercise 2T23 Main

Signaling with Discards

 by Richard Pavlicek

As West or East, decide your discarding strategy on each hand.

1. S A 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH 6 51 NT
D 7 5 4Pass3 NTPassPass
C A J 10 8 6Pass
S J 10 6 5 2Table
H A 9 3
D Q 9 3 2
C 2 3 NT South

You lead the S 5, dummy plays low, East the queen, and South wins the king.

Which suit would you like East to lead? 

Declarer wins the C K and leads a club. Your discard? 

North wins the C A then a club is led to East’s queen. Your discard? 

2. S A 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH 6 51 NT
D 7 5 4Pass3 NTPassPass
C A J 10 8 6Pass
S J 10 6 5 2Table
H Q 9 3
D A Q 9 8
C 2 3 NT South

You lead the S 5, dummy plays low, East the nine, and South wins the king.

Which suit would you like East to lead? 

Declarer wins the C K and leads a club. Your discard? 

North wins the C A then a club is led to East’s queen. Your discard? 


Top Signaling with Discards

3. S K 6WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K 5 31 NT
D Q 7 3Pass3 NTPassPass
C K 8 7 6 5Pass
TableS J 9 8 5 3
H A 10 9 2
D A 8 2
3 NT SouthC 2

West leads the H 4, dummy plays low, you play the nine, and South wins the queen.

Which suit would you like West to lead? 

North wins the C K then a club is led. Your discard? 

South wins the C A then a third club is led to West’s queen. Your discard? 

4. S K 6WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K 5 31 NT
D Q 7 3Pass3 NTPassPass
C K 8 7 6 5Pass
TableS A J 10 9
H 10 9 7 2
D 9 8 5 4
3 NT SouthC 2

West leads the H 4, dummy plays low, you play the nine, and South wins the queen.

Which suit would you like West to lead? 

North wins the C K then a club is led. Your discard? 

South wins the C A then a third club is led to West’s queen. Your discard? 


Top Signaling with Discards

5. S A Q 8 4WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K 8 4 31 S
D J 10Pass3 SPass4 S
C K 8 5PassPassPass
TableS 2
H 10 9 7 6
D K 7 6 2
4 S SouthC A 7 6 2

West leads the H Q and dummy plays low.

Which heart do you play at trick one? 

Declarer wins two rounds of trumps. Your discard? 

Declarer wins a third trump as West follows suit. Your discard? 

6. S A Q 8 4WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K 8 4 31 S
D J 10Pass3 SPass4 S
C K 8 5PassPassPass
TableS 2
H 9 6
D A 9 8 7 2
4 S SouthC Q J 10 9 7

West leads the H Q and dummy plays low.

Which heart do you play at trick one? 

Declarer wins two rounds of trumps. Your discard? 

Declarer wins a third trump as West follows suit. Your discard? 


Top Signaling with Discards

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek