Exercise 2S53 Main

Using the Count Signal

 by Richard Pavlicek

The underlined card (assume a spade) is led by declarer at trick two in the contract shown.
As West, you are next to play. Answer each question.

1. 3 NTK J 10 8 4
9 2
South leadsQ

What is your play? 

Does the nine have any trick-taking value? 

2. 3 NTQ 7 4
9 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

Does the nine have any trick-taking value? 

3. 3 NTK Q J 8 3
9 7 2
South leads10

What is your play? 

Who is likely to hold the ace? 

4. 3 NTQ 6 3
K 10 8 7
South leads4

What is your play? 

What would you play if the nine were led? 


Top Using the Count Signal

5. 4 HK Q J 9
10 7 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

Does the 10 have any trick-taking value? 

6. 4 HK Q J 2
10 6 5 4
South leads3

What is your play? 

Does the 10 have any trick-taking value? 

7. 4 HK Q 10 4
8 2
South leadsJ

What is your play? 

Who is likely to hold the ace? 

8. 4 HK 9 7 4
J 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

What would you play if you led this suit? 


Top Using the Count Signal

9. 4 SQ J 10 5
7 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

What would you play if hearts were trump? 

10. 4 SQ J 10 5
7 4 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

What would you play if hearts were trump? 

11. 4 SQ J 5
9 7 6 2
South leads3

What is your play? 

What would you play if hearts were trump? 

12. 4 SQ 8 2
10 4
South leads3

What is your play? 

What would you play if hearts were trump? 


Top Using the Count Signal

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek