Exercise 2R53 Main

Reading Partner’s Lead

 by Richard Pavlicek

Partner leads a spade against 4 H, and the first trick is completed as underlined.
As East, answer the question and decide which spade you would lead next.
Or enter ‘N’ if you would not lead another spade.

1. 4 HA Q 2
10K J 8
West leads3

Who has the nine? 

Your next spade lead 

2. 4 HA 6 3
10K Q 7
West leads2

Who has the jack? 

Your next spade lead 

3. 4 HQ 6 5
4A J 7 2
West leads3

Who has the king? 

Your next spade lead 

4. 4 HJ 3 2
9A K 7 4
West leadsQ

How many spades did West start with? 

Your next spade lead 


Top Reading Partner’s Lead

5. 4 H10 9 7
5Q J 8 6 4
West leadsA

Who has the king? 

Your next spade lead 

6. 4 H10 9 6
4Q 8 2
West leads3

Who has the ace? 

Your next spade lead 

7. 4 HQ 7 2
5K 10 8
West leadsA

Who has the jack? 

Your next spade lead 

8. 4 HJ 9 7 4
2A K 10 8
West leadsQ

How many spades did West start with? 

Your next spade lead 


Top Reading Partner’s Lead

9. 4 HK 10 2
3Q 9 4
West leadsA

Who has the jack? 

Your next spade lead 

10. 4 HK Q 9
4A 6 5 3
West leads10

Who has the jack? 

Your next spade lead 

11. 4 HK 9 8 3
6A Q 7 4
West leadsJ

Who has the 10? 

Your next spade lead 

12. 4 HQ J 8 4
2A 7 6 5 3
West leadsK

How many spades did West start with? 

Your next spade lead 


Top Reading Partner’s Lead

© 1997 Richard Pavlicek