You are West. Fill in the missing calls and answer each question about the defense.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
What is your opening lead?
East plays the six and South the queen. Does South have another spade?
Which card do you lead next?
East plays the five and South the eight. Which card do you lead next?
East ruffs with the 6. He then leads the 9 and South plays the two. Which club do you play?
The missing hands:
East plays the eight and South the five. Does South have another diamond?
North plays the four, East the seven and South wins the ace. Does partner like this lead?
Assume declarer cashes two top trumps. Which suit will you discard?
East plays the five and South the three. Which card do you lead next?
East plays the nine and South the jack. Which card do you need partner to have to be able to defeat this contract?
Arent you glad this is the last question?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek