You are West. Fill in the missing calls and answer each question about the defense.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
What is your opening lead?
Partner plays the eight and South the four. Which card do you lead next?
Partner wins the queen and returns a heart to your jack. What do you lead next?
North throws the 3, East the 4 and South the 3. What do you lead next?
South wins and leads the Q. Do you cover?
As diamonds are run you discard a club and a spade. What do you throw next?
The missing hands:
Partner plays the two and South wins the queen. Who has the A?
South leads the J. Do you cover with the king?
Declarer wins and leads the 3 to his nine. How many tricks can declarer win in hearts and clubs?
South next leads the J. Do you Win your ace now or Duck? (W D)
Which card do you lead when you gain the lead?
Partner plays the 10 and South wins the king. Who has the A?
Who has the Q?
If partner ever gains the lead, which suit do you want him to lead?
Declarer leads a club and dummy wins the A-K. What is your first discard?
Declarer leads the 8 to partners queen and South unblocks the J. What is your second discard?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek