Exercise 2Q57 Main

Endplays Are Easy

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, answer each question.

1. S Q 9 5 3WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH A 4 31 S
D K 9 4Pass3 SPass4 S
C A 8 2PassPassPass
Lead: H Q 
S A K 10 6 2
H 9 7 6
D Q 10 3
4 S SouthC K 3

You win the H A and draw trumps with the S A-K as both opponents follow suit.

How many diamond tricks are you sure to win if you lead the suit from hand? 

…from dummy? 

…if West leads a diamond? 

…if East leads a diamond? 

Which suit must be eliminated before you give up the lead? 

Which club honor will you win first? 

Which club honor will you win next? 

Which suit will you lead to give up the lead? 


Top Endplays Are Easy

2. S 9 7 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A J 21 D
D K 6 5 21 S2 DPass5 D
C 7 3 2PassPassPass
Lead: S K 
S 2
H K 10 5
D A Q 10 9 8 7
5 D SouthC A K J

You ruff the second spade lead and draw trumps with the D A and D K (West pitches a spade).

How many heart tricks are you sure to win if you lead the suit from hand? 

…from dummy? 

…if West leads a heart? 

…if East leads a heart? 

Which suit must be eliminated before you give up the lead? 

Which card will you lead next? 

Do you plan to take the club finesse? 

Which suit will you lead to give up the lead? 


Top Endplays Are Easy

3. S A K 8WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 9 7 4 3 22 NTPass3 S
D A JPass4 SPass4 NT
C A K QPass5 SPass6 S
Table PassPassPass
Lead: D K 
S Q 10 9 7 6 4
H A Q 5
D 3
6 S SouthC 9 7 3

You win the D A and draw trumps with the S A-K as both opponents follow suit.

How many heart tricks are you sure to win if you lead the suit from hand? 

…from dummy? 

…if West leads a heart? 

…if East leads a heart? 

Which suit must be eliminated before you give up the lead? 

Which card will you lead next? 

Which suit will you lead to give up the lead? 

In which hand do you ruff if West returns a diamond? 


Top Endplays Are Easy

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek