As South, answer each question about the play.
How many sure trump tricks do you have?
How many top tricks in the three side suits?
How many tricks do you need for your contract?
Which side suit do you plan to establish?
You win the A and cash the A. Assume spades split 3-1 and hearts split 4-2.
Which cards do you play at trick three?
…trick four?
…trick five?
…trick six?
…trick seven?
The missing hands:
You ruff the first trick and cash the K. Assume hearts split 4-1 and clubs split 4-2.
Which suit next?
How many trump tricks do you have with a 3-2 break?
You win the A and cash the K. Assume hearts split 3-2; diamonds split 4-2.
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek