Exercise 2Q49 Main

Tricks with Trumps

 by Richard Pavlicek

Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.

Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D

None vul
S 4
H K 8 6 2
D J 10 9 8
C A K 7 2
1 S
Lead: S 6Table

4 H South
S A Q 5 2
H A 7 5 3
D 7 6 5 4
C 5

Assuming a 3-2 break, how many trump tricks can you win? (Do not count ruffs) 

In the side suits, how many top tricks do you have? 

How many tricks are available by ruffing in dummy? 

Will it help you to establish a diamond trick? 

What is the best play? 
A. Win the H A-K then lead diamonds at every opportunity
B. Win the H A-K, all your top tricks, then crossruff clubs and spades
C. Crossruff clubs and spades right away (do not draw trumps)


Top Tricks with Trumps

E-W vul
S A 7 5 3 2
H J 6
D K 3
C Q 10 9 7
1 HPass
Lead: D 8Table

5 C South
S 6
H 4 3 2
D A Q J 6 5
C A K J 8

How many trump tricks can you win without ruffing? 

In the side suits, how many top tricks do you have? 

How many diamonds did West probably begin with? 

Will you win the first trick with the D K in dummy or the D J in your hand? 

What is the best play? 
A. Lead a heart to develop a heart ruff in dummy
B. Win the S A and ruff a spade with the C A
C. Draw three rounds of trumps then run the diamonds


Top Tricks with Trumps

Both vul
S 8 7
H K J 10 9
D A 4 3
C J 10 3 2
Lead: H 5Table

6 S South
S A K Q J 10 5 4 3
D K J 2
C A 4

How many trump tricks can you win? 

In the side suits, how many top tricks do you have? 

You play dummy’s H 9, East the queen, and you ruff. Who has the H A? 

Which suit offers a 50-50 chance to make your bid? 

What is the best play? 
A. Immediately lead a low spade from your hand
B. Win the S A-K, C A then exit with a club; later finesse the D J
C. Lead all of your trumps hoping to squeeze the opponents


Top Tricks with Trumps

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek