Theres ruff weather ahead!As South, youre at the helm in these 6 contracts.To succeed, you must use your trumps wisely. Put on your raincoat and get your feet wet!
How many trump tricks can you win? (do not count ruffs)
How many top tricks do you have in the other suits?
What is your basic plan?
How many trump tricks can you win? (assume a 3-2 break)
If you had a ruff time, these analyses may clear up the weather.
You have 10 top tricks and, by ruffing diamonds in the shorter trump hand, you will gain two more. Win the A and lead a diamond to your king. Cross to the A (optional) and lead a diamond to your ace. Ruff a diamond; cross to your A, and ruff your last diamond. Return to your hand with a heart ruff and draw the enemy trumps.
With a 4-4 trump fit, extra tricks can be gained immediately by ruffing in either hand. Needing two more tricks, the simplest and best plan is to ruff hearts in your hand. Win the A, lead a heart to the ace, and ruff a heart. Cross to dummy with a spade, and ruff the last heart. Next cash the A, cross to dummy with a diamond, and draw the enemy trumps.
You have nine top tricks, and three more can be obtained by ruffing provided you dont lead any more trumps. It is important to cash all your side winners early before embarking on a crossruff. Win the trump lead in dummy, and lead a club to your ace. Cross to the A, cash the K, lead a club to your king, and cash the A. Now you are home free; just crossruff hearts and diamonds using all high trumps.
You have 10 top tricks, and two club ruffs in the shorter trump hand will secure 12. Your excellent spot cards in spades greatly improve your chances. Win the A, cash the K-A, and ruff a club with 9 (why risk an overruff?). Do not lead trumps yet. Cross to your A, ruff your last club with the 10, then lead trumps to force out the ace. As soon as you regain the lead, draw trumps and claim.
You have eight top tricks and need four ruffs to make 12. Do not lead trumps, else East could win the ace and return his last trump to spoil your plan. Win the A, lead a heart to your ace, then cash both top diamonds. Now you have a merry crossruff, with no risk because the only missing trumps are the A-3-2. Even if an opponent could overruff and return a trump, it would not hurt you.
You have 11 top tricks and, assuming the trumps are 3-2, your contract is a lock with proper technique. Lead a spade to the ace, then a spade to your king. This leaves only one defender with a high trump. Cash your remaining top hearts to discard a diamond from dummy, then ruff your third diamond in dummy. It would make no difference if East were able to ruff at any time either way, he gets only one trick.
© 2000 Richard Pavlicek