Exercise 2P47 Main

Bidding & Finessing

 by Richard Pavlicek

Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.

Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D

E-W vul
S 7 5
H A J 10 6
D Q 10 4 2
C A J 10
Lead: S 4Table

3 NT South
S K Q 2
H K 2
D A K J 3
C Q 9 7 2

Excluding the spade suit, how many top tricks do you have? 

On the first trick East plays the S J. Do you win this? 

How many more tricks do you need to succeed? 

Which two suits offer a chance for extra tricks? 

Which opponent do you wish to keep off lead? 

What is the best play to make your contract? 
A. Lead the C 2 to dummy’s jack
B. Cash the H K then lead the H 3 to dummy’s jack
C. Lead the D 3 to dummy’s 10 then lead the H J and let it ride


Top Bidding & Finessing

N-S vul
S A 4 3 2
H K 7 6
D Q J 3
3 HPass
Lead: S KTable

6 D South
H Q 5
D A K 10 9 8 7 5
C 10 9 5 4

How many top tricks do you have? 

Who do you expect to have the H A? 

How many hearts is West likely to hold? 

What do you discard on the S A at trick one, or do you ruff the trick in your hand? 

Will you draw the enemy trumps right away? 

What is the best play to make your contract? 
A. Lead the H 5 to dummy’s king
B. Win the C K then lead the H 6 to your queen
C. Win the C K, ruff a spade, then take the club finesse


Top Bidding & Finessing

Both vul
S Q 9 3
H K 8 7 6 5
D 9 7 5 2
Lead: S JTable

6 C South
S A 2
D A Q 10
C A Q J 10 9 7 4

How many top tricks do you have? 

You cover with the S Q and East produces the king. Do you win the ace? 

Who do you expect to have the S 10? 

Will you draw the enemy trumps right away? 

What is the first card you will lead? 

What is the best play to make your contract? 
A. Lead the S 2 from your hand
B. Win the C K, throw a spade on the H K and finesse the D Q
C. Win the C K, throw a spade on the H K and finesse the D 10


Top Bidding & Finessing

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek