Exercise 2N61 Main

The Order of Winning Tricks

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, answer each question.

1. S A K Q J 10WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K1 SPass2 C
D A Q J 6Pass3 DPass3 NT
C J 7 5Pass4 NTPass6 NT
Table PassPassPass
Lead: D 7 
S 4
H A Q J 2
D 5 4 3
6 NT SouthC A Q 8 4 3

How many top tricks do you have in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

Which diamond do you play from dummy at trick one? 

Assume dummy wins the first trick. Which card do you lead at trick two? 

Which card do you play from your hand? 

Which card do you lead at trick three? 

Will you take the club finesse? 


Top The Order of Winning Tricks

2. S A 8 6 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 51 CPass1 D
D A KPass2 SPass2 NT
C A K J 5 3 2Pass3 CPass3 NT
Table PassPassPass
Lead: H 6 
S Q J 4
H A J 8
D Q J 10 9 8
3 NT SouthC 10 7

How many top tricks do you have in spades? 

…in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

East plays the H Q at trick one. Which heart do you play from your hand? 

East leads the H 3. Which heart do you play? 

West wins the H K. Your discard from dummy? 

West leads the H 2. Your discard from dummy? 

Will you take the club finesse? 


Top The Order of Winning Tricks

3. S 4 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH1 DPass1 S
D A K Q J 4Pass2 CPass2 H
C Q 7 6 5 3Pass2 SPass4 S
Table PassPassPass
Lead: H 4 
S K Q J 10 9
H A 8 6 5
D 10 2
4 S SouthC 10 9

How many trumps are you sure to win in your hand? 

How many top tricks do you have in hearts? 

…in diamonds? 

…in clubs? 

How will the enemy diamonds usually divide? 

Which suit do you play from dummy at trick one? 

Which suit do you lead at trick two? 

You win trick two. Which suit do you lead next? 

It wins. Which suit do you lead next? 


Top The Order of Winning Tricks

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek