Exercise 1Q41 Main

The Third Man

 by Richard Pavlicek

As the partner of the opening leader, you are the third person to play to the first trick.
The card you choose can be very important in trying to win the trick or as a signal to partner.
Test yourself on these problems. Only the spade suit is shown, and the contract is 4 H.

1. 4 H4 3 2
West leadsS KTableA 9 5
Your play 

Who has the queen? 

2. 4 HJ 3 2
West leadsS KTable9 8 4
Your play 

Do you want to encourage this suit? 

3. 4 HJ 3 2
West leadsS KTable9 4
Your play 

Do you want to encourage this suit? 

4. 4 H5 4
West leadsS 3TableK Q 7
Your play 

What would you play if leading this suit? 


Top The Third Man

5. 4 HA 5 4
West leadsS 10TableK Q 3
Your play 

Who has the jack? 

6. 4 HA 3 2
West leadsS JTableQ 8 4
Your play 

Who has the 10? 

7. 4 HA 3 2
West leadsS JTableK 8 5
Your play 

Who has the queen? 

8. 4 HA 3 2
West leadsS KTableJ 10 9
Your play 

Who has the queen? 


Top The Third Man

9. 4 H7 5 3 2
West leadsS QTableA 10 8 4
Your play 

Who has the king? 

10. 4 H4 3 2
West leadsS QTableK 8 5
Your play 

Who has the ace? 

11. 4 H4 3 2
West leadsS KTableQ 8 5
Your play 

Who has the ace? 

12. 4 HQ 4 2
West leadsS 3TableK J 8 7
Your play 

Who has the ace? 


Top The Third Man

Your partner, West, leads a spade against 4 H, and you are East (third hand).

1. 4 H4 3 2
K Q 10 8A 9 5
West leadsJ 7 6

Playing a higher card than necessary is an encouraging signal, asking partner to lead the suit again. Together, you can win the first three tricks.

2. 4 HJ 3 2
A K 10 7 69 8 4
West leadsQ 5

Playing your lowest card is a discouraging signal, meaning you have no desire for partner to continue. Often it would be wise for partner to shift to another suit.

3. 4 HJ 3 2
A K 10 7 69 4
West leadsQ 8 5

By encouraging partner to continue you can trump the third round. Your nine does not specifically show a doubleton — it merely says, “continue this suit.”

4. 4 H5 4
J 9 8 3 2K Q 7
West leadsA 10 6

When trying to win a trick as third hand you should play the lowest of equal cards. Note how this differs from the leader, who leads the top of a sequence.

Study 1Q41 MainTop The Third Man

5. 4 HA 5 4
10 9 8 2K Q 3
West leadsJ 7 6

Once dummy wins the ace it would be unwise to waste one of your honors, so just play low. Later, you hope to win two tricks in this suit.

6. 4 HA 3 2
J 10 9 6Q 8 4
West leadsK 7 5

Your queen is an important honor so you should encourage partner to lead the suit again. After forcing out the ace and king, you can win a trick in this suit.

7. 4 HA 3 2
J 10 9 7 6K 8 5
West leadsQ 4

You must play the king to win the trick else South would win the queen. It is now apparent that you and partner cannot win another trick in this suit.

8. 4 HA 3 2
K Q 8 5J 10 9
West leads7 6 4

You want partner to lead this suit later, so play the highest card you can spare. Do not confuse a signal with “trying to win a trick” when you would play the nine.

Study 1Q41 MainTop The Third Man

9. 4 H7 5 3 2
Q J 9 6A 10 8 4
West leadsK

Partner’s lead of the queen marks South with the king so you should win the ace. You can see what would happen if you ducked.

10. 4 H4 3 2
Q J 9 7K 8 5
West leadsA 10 6

There is no need to waste your king on the same trick as partner’s queen, but you can spare the eight as a signal to encourage partner to continue.

11. 4 H4 3 2
A K 10 9Q 8 5
West leadsJ 7 6

Once again, you like partner’s lead and should encourage by playing the eight. You should take the first three tricks in this suit.

12. 4 HQ 4 2
10 6 5 3K J 8 7
West leadsA 9

Usually you play “third hand high” when trying to win the trick, but with the queen in dummy your jack is just as powerful as the king.

Study 1Q41 MainTop The Third Man

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek