Exercise 1P29 Main

Card Combinations

 by Richard Pavlicek

What is usually the best play of each suit holding at notrump? You may lead from either hand
unless stated otherwise. Assume second hand (West or East) follows with a low card.

1. NT win 2Q 2
A 5 4 3

Lead the and play the

2. NT win maxK J 2
8 5 4

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

3. NT win maxK 2
South leads first
A J 5 4 3

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

4. NT win 2J 10 9
A 3 2

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the


Top Card Combinations

5. NT win 1J 3 2
10 6 5 4

Lead the and play the

6. NT win maxK J 9 3 2
North leads first
A 6 5 4

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

7. NT win 1Q J 8
4 3 2

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

8. NT win 1A Q 10
4 3 2

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the


Top Card Combinations

9. NT win maxK 2
Q 9 5 4 3

Lead the and play the

10. NT win maxA J 9 2
North leads first
K 5 4 3

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

11. NT win 3A J 10
South leads first
K 8 7

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the

12. NT win 2K 3 2
Q 10 4

Lead the and play the then

Lead the and play the


Top Card Combinations

© 1990 Richard Pavlicek