Exercise 1M21 Main

Leads and Signals

 by Richard Pavlicek

As West, choose your opening lead and answer each question about the defense.

1. S 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K 5 41 NT
D A Q 9 6Pass3 NTPassPass
C J 9 8 5Pass
S K Q 10 8 3Table
H J 10 8
D 8 3
C K 10 2 3 NT South

What is your lead? 

Partner plays the two and South the seven. Does partner like your lead? 

Which card do you lead at trick two? 

Partner plays the seven and South wins the ace. Does partner like this lead? 

Who do you think holds the H Q? 

At trick three South leads the C 3. Which club do you play? 

The missing hands:

TableS 9 6 2
H Q 9 7 6
D 10 7 5 2
C Q 6
S A J 7
H A 3 2
D K J 4
C A 7 4 3


Top Leads and Signals

2. S K 10 9 6WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A K Q 41 S
D Q 7 2Pass3 SPass4 S
C 3 2PassPassPass
S 3Table
H J 9 7 5
D A K 9 4 3
C Q 10 9 4 S South

What is your lead? 

Partner plays the 10 and South the five. Does partner like your lead? 

Which card do you lead at trick two? 

Partner plays the six and South the jack. Who holds the one missing diamond? 

Which suit do you lead at trick three? 

Partner ruffs! Which suit will you always keep until the very end? 

The missing hands:

TableS 8 7 5
H 10 8 6
D 10 6
C K 8 7 6 4
S A Q J 4 2
H 3 2
D J 8 5
C A J 5


Top Leads and Signals

3. S 6 5 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH J 10 51 H
D Q 6 5 2Pass2 HPass3 H
C A 8 5PassPassPass
S J 10 9 7Table
H A 8 2
D 4
C J 10 9 7 6 3 H South

What is your lead? 

What would you lead if the contract were notrump? 

Partner plays the 10 and South wins the ace. South next leads the H 6. Which heart do you play? 

Which card do you lead next? 

Partner wins the king and returns a diamond. Which card do you play? 

Which suit do you lead next? 

The missing hands:

TableS A K 8 3
H 4 3
D 10 8 7 3
C K 4 2
S Q 4
H K Q 9 7 6
D A K J 9
C Q 3


Top Leads and Signals

© 1998 Richard Pavlicek