Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
How many top tricks do you have?
After winning the 9, what do you lead next?
Both opponents follow. What do you lead next?
East captures dummy’s jack with the king. He leads the Q to dummy’s ace. What do you lead next?
You win the J. What do you lead next?
West plays small. What do you play from dummy?
It wins. You lead the 3 and West plays small. What do you play from dummy?
After winning the K, what do you lead next?
West captures your king with the ace, then he leads the 2. In which hand do you win this trick?
Which suit do you lead next?
You ruff in dummy, then cash the A and A. What do you lead next?
You ruff in your hand. What do you lead next?
You ruff in dummy. What do you lead next?
East wins the A and leads the 3. Which heart do you play?
West wins the K and leads the 6. What do you discard from dummy?
You capture East’s jack. How many hearts do you think West started with?
What do you lead next?
Dummy’s queen wins. What do you lead next?
East follows; West wins the ace and leads the 2. What do you play from dummy?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek