Exercise 1J53 Main

Finding a 4-4 Trump Fit

 by Richard Pavlicek

Fill in the North-South bidding using the Stayman convention, then answer each question.

Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D

None vul
S 8 7 6 4
H 10 7 6 3
D K J 8
C A 4
Lead: S KTable

4 H South
S Q 3
H A K 5 4
D A 7 5 3
C K Q 2

Which opponent do you think has the S A? 

Not counting ruffs, how many trump tricks will you win with a 3-2 break? 

How many top tricks in the three side suits? 

The opponents win two spades and lead another. Which card do you play from your hand? 

What is your lead next? 

And the next? 

Assuming the trumps break 3-2, what is your plan? 
A. Lead the D 3 and finesse the jack
B. Lead a third trump and give up the trick to an opponent
C. Win the C A-K-Q to shed a diamond; then the D K-A and ruff a diamond


Top Finding a 4-4 Trump Fit

N-S vul
S K J 10 8
H A 9 7
D 9 7 5 4 3
C 2
Lead: C KTable

4 S South
S A Q 9 2
H K 8
D Q 8 2
C A J 7 6

Which opponent do you think has the C Q? 

Not counting ruffs, how many sure trump tricks do you have? 

How many top tricks in the three side suits? 

Do you Win the first trick or Duck? (W D)

Do you plan to draw trumps right away? 

Which suit will you lead first? 

What is your basic plan to make your contract? 
A. Ruff three clubs in dummy using the heart suit to return to your hand
B. Win two trumps then ruff clubs
C. Establish dummy’s diamond suit by losing three diamond tricks


Top Finding a 4-4 Trump Fit

E-W vul
S J 9 6 3
H 8 4
D A 3 2
C K Q 10 3
Lead: D QTable

4 S South
S Q 10 7 4
H A K Q 2
D 9 4
C A J 6

Which opponent do you think has the D K? 

Not counting ruffs, how many trump tricks do you expect to win? 

How many top tricks in the three side suits? 

Do you Win the first trick or Duck? (W D)

Do you plan to draw trumps right away? 

Which card will you lead first? 

What is your basic plan to make your contract? 
A. Lead one round of trumps, then cash your winners
B. Lead two rounds of trumps
C. Force out the S K and S A, then draw all the enemy trumps


Top Finding a 4-4 Trump Fit

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek