Ringy-dingy-ding! Hello! Anybody home?Can you solve these communication problems?As South, answer each question about the play.
How many top tricks do you have in hearts?
…in diamonds?
…in clubs?
Which card is a valuable entry to dummy?
Which heart honor do you win at trick one?
Which card do you lead at trick two?
…trick three?
…trick four?
Which card is the entry to your hand after running the diamonds?
Which of the above suits do you want to lead first?
Which diamond honor do you win at trick one?
After drawing trumps, what is your next lead?
Which card will you play from dummy?
How many top tricks do you have in spades?
…in hearts?
Do you need the diamond finesse to make your bid?
Besides the A what is your entry to dummy?
Which diamond do you play from dummy at trick one?
After gaining the lead, which suit do you lead?
Which card will you lead next?
…and the next?
Now we’ll find out if you’re a ringy-ding operator — or a rung up dingbat!
You have nine sure tricks, but careful play is required to enjoy them because of the blockage in the diamond suit. You cannot cash four diamond tricks using the diamond suit alone; another suit is required to reach dummy, and the J is the key entry. Therefore, you must preserve that card at trick one and win the heart lead in hand. After you unblock the K-J, the play then flows smoothly to cash all your winners.
You have 10 sure tricks, but again you must be careful to enjoy them. The first key play is to win the A (not the queen) at trick one to avoid blocking the diamond suit. Your trumps are so powerful you don’t even need North’s king, so you cash the A to keep the lead in your hand and draw all the enemy trumps. Next lead the Q and overtake it with the king to win the rest of the diamonds. Finally, you have a risk-free play for an overtrick by leading a spade toward your king.
The diamond is a great lead for the defenders. If you take the finesse, East will win, then a shift to clubs would defeat you before you have a chance. Don’t risk it! You have an excellent chance to win 10 tricks, thanks to that beautiful trump in dummy which will provide a key entry to reach the K. Grab that A, lead a heart to your blank ace, then lead a low spade — 10 easy tricks.
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek