Exercise 1E57 Main

Bid ‘em and Play ‘em!

 by Richard Pavlicek

Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.

Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D

N-S vul
S A K 6 5 2
H J 4 3 2
D 10 9 3
Lead: C 5Table

3 NT South
S 7 3
H A 7 5
D A K J 2
C K 7 6 2

How many top tricks do you have? 

How many additional tricks do you need? 

Which suit might provide two extra tricks with its high cards? 

Which suit might provide two extra tricks with its length? 

Is it possible to try both of the above suits as chances to make your contract? 

After winning the C A, what is the best play? 
A. Lead the D 10 and let it ride if not covered
B. Lead the S 2 from dummy
C. Win the S A-K then lead another spade


Top Bid ‘em and Play ‘em!

Both vul
S 5 3
H A J 6
D K Q 4 2
C K 8 5 2
Lead: H KTable

4 S South
S A K 8 7 6 2
H 2
D A 7 6
C 7 6 3

Assuming a 3-2 trump break, how many trump tricks will you win? 

How many top tricks do you have in the other three suits? 

How many additional tricks do you need? 

Do you plan to draw trumps right away? 

If you ruff a heart in your hand, does this give you an extra trick? 

After winning the H A, what is the best play? 
A. Win the S A-K then win three top diamonds ending in dummy
B. Win the S A-K then lead the C 3 to dummy’s king
C. Lead the S 3 and duck the trick


Top Bid ‘em and Play ‘em!

None vul
S A K 4 2
H A 5 4 2
D 2
C Q J 7 6
Lead: D QTable

4 H South
S 9 8 5
H K 9 7 6 3
D A 9 7
C 3 2

Assuming a 3-1 break, how many trump tricks will you win? (Do not count ruffs) 

How many top tricks do you have in the other three suits? 

How many additional tricks do you need? 

Which suit might provide extra tricks by ruffing? 

Which suit might provide an extra trick with its high cards? 

After winning the D A, what is the best play? 
A. Ruff a diamond, win the H A-K then ruff your last diamond
B. Lead the C 2 to dummy’s queen
C. Draw two rounds of trumps, win the S A-K then call Richard


Top Bid ‘em and Play ‘em!

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek