Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
How many top tricks do you have in all four suits?
Which suit is your best prospect for additional tricks?
Do you win the first trick with the 10 or the K?
Which suit do you lead at trick two?
West plays the eight. Which card do you play from dummy?
This wins. Which suit do you lead at trick three?
Which card do you play from your hand?
Which suit do you lead at trick four?
Which card is your only sure entry to dummy?
Do you win the first trick with the A or the Q?
Which card do you lead at trick two?
Both opponents follow with low cards. Which card do you lead at trick three?
West plays low. What do you play from dummy?
This wins. Which suit do you lead at trick four?
How many trump winners do you have? (Assume 3-2 split and Q doesn’t fall)
How many top tricks do you have in the side suits?
Which suit is your best prospect for a 10th trick?
Do you win the first trick with the A or the K?
Both follow. Which card do you lead at trick three?
Both follow. Which card do you lead at trick four?
West plays low. Which card do you play from dummy?
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek