Exercise 1A53 Main

Winning of Tricks

 by Richard Pavlicek

Bridge is a partnership game.
North and South versus West and East.
The object is to win tricks for your partnership.

Each diagram shows the layout of a single suit.
There is no trump suit and North or South leads.

Enter the number of tricks (0-5) North-South can win.

1. NTA 3 2
Q 9 8 7K J 10
N or S leads6 5 4

Tricks North-South win 

2. NTK 3 2
Q 10 4J 9 8 7
N or S leadsA 6 5

Tricks North-South win 

3. NTK 3 2
J 10 9A Q 8 7
N or S leads6 5 4

Tricks North-South win 

4. NTK Q 4 3
8 7 6 5J 10 9
N or S leadsA 2

Tricks North-South win 


Top Winning of Tricks

5. NTQ 3 2
K 10 9A J 8 7
N or S leads6 5 4

Tricks North-South win 

6. NTK Q J
10 9 8A 7 6 5
N or S leads4 3 2

Tricks North-South win 

7. NTA Q 3 2
10 98 7 6 5
N or S leadsK J 4

Tricks North-South win 

8. NTK 4
9 8 7 510 6
N or S leadsA Q J 3 2

Tricks North-South win 


Top Winning of Tricks

9. NTQ 4 3
K 8 6A 9 7 5
N or S leadsJ 10 2

Tricks North-South win 

10. NTA 3 2
K 8 69 7 5 4
N or S leadsQ J 10

Tricks North-South win 

11. NTK 5 4
J 109 8 7 6
N or S leadsA Q 3 2

Tricks North-South win 

12. NTK 5 4
J 10 98 7 6
N or S leadsA Q 3 2

Tricks North-South win 


Top Winning of Tricks

© 1995 Richard Pavlicek